

Procedure PSBitmap(nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, cBitmap, nTransColor, lKeepRatio)
TPageScript:Bitmap(nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, cBitmap, nTransColor, lKeepRatio)




PSBitmap() is used to print a bitmap. The bitmap must resides in a bitmap file. PageScript 32 can't print bitmap located in a resource file. Supported formats are non compressed .BMP, JPEG and GIF.

If nRight or nBottom is zero, the bitmap is automatically scaled. If both nRight and nBottom are zero, the bitmap is printed at its original size. When all coordinates are passed, the bitmap is stretched to fit the bounding box.


nTop, nLeft Top and Left coordinates of the bitmap on the page, expressed in the currently set unit.
nBottom, nRight Bottom and Right coordinates of the bitmap on the page, expressed in the currently set unit.
cBitmap Name of the bitmap file. You must provide the full path name (e.g. "\\Server\Images\logo.jpg") or relative path name (e.g. ..\images\logo.gif). Relative path will work only if PSCRIPT.DLL is located at the same level as the current execution path. It's recommended to pass the full path.
nTransColor If you want the bitmap to be transparent, pass the color to use as transparent using a basic or RGB color. Note that some printer drivers don't support bitmap transpenrency.
lKeepRatio If set to true, the bitmap will keep its aspect ratio while beeing kept within the bounding box defined by the coordinates. Note that both nRight and nBottom must be non zero for KeepRatio to work.

PSBitmap() checks the value set by PSSetDIB() and depending on the setting, will print the bitmap using a DIB (Device Independant Bitmap) or not. Some printer will not correctly print DIBs. The default value is to use DIBs.