Supported Print Preview Window States

Constant Value Description
PWS_MINIMIZED 0 The print preview window is shown, but minimized in the task bar.
PWS_MAXIMIZED 1 The print preview window is shown maximized, thus using all screen estate.
PWS_NORMAL 2 The print preview window is shown, at the position and size set by calling PSSetPWPosition(), PSSetPWSize() or PSSetPWBounds(). See the description of these functions for automatic centering of the window.
PWS_NORMALCENTERED 3 The print preview window is shown, using only the size defined by PSSetPWSize() or PSSetPWBounds() and will calculate the position to center the window on the screen.
PWS_AUTO 4 The print preview window automatically saves and reuses its state, size, position and zoom level. All these settings are stored in the Registry.